Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Second Battle of Bull Run

Deciding battle in the Civil War.
Union commander, John Pope.
George McClellan

During the battle.

Surrender at Appomattox

Sherman continued burning through North Carolina. The Union army break through Grant's lines in Virginia. Union forces cut Lee off. General Grant accepted Lee's surrender in the Appomattox Court.
Court house.

Lee signing his surrender letter.

    General Grant.

    Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman scorched towns as he marched toward the Atlantic coast and towards Virginia. They tore up railroad tracks, burned down homes, and killed livestock.

    Railroad that was tore up by soldiers.

    Soldiers burning down homes.

    William Tecumseh Sherman General Sherman.

    Fall of Atlanta

    General Sherman was the commander of the Union Army. He led troops through Georgia, seizing Atlanta on September 2, 1864.

    Burning of Atlanta.
    New Union general, Sherman.
     Burning of Atlanta.

    The Battle of Gettysburg

    Confederate soldiers found Union cavalry in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Confederates attacked. Largest battle of the war. The union won.
    During the battle.
     Destroyed Lee's hopes of carrying the fight up North.
    General Robert E. Lee.

    The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The South won this battle. Stonewall Jackson was killed.
    Stonewall Jackson is killed.

    During the battle.
    Lee and Jackson meeting at Chancellorsville.

    The Peninsular Campaign

    McClellan was commander of the Union Army and he planned to approach Richmond. McClellan put troops in Yorktown and there was a battle that was fought there throughout July of 1862. The Confederates defeated the Union.